Ain’t no shame in the beginner game.

Guess what?! It's okay to suck at something new. I'd argue that half the fun is in being spectacularly bad when you begin a new thing. Think about laughing at yourself or with a friend as you attempt a new dance or your first watercolor painting.

There is no shame in the beginner game! We allow and encourage kids to try, fail, and try again. But we don't let ourselves do the same. We give ourselves absolutely no grace to learn. We want to be good right away. Otherwise, we take our ball and go home. Or, we simply choose not to try.

Let's normalize the act of learning with space to be terrible at it! The world is slowly opening back up after over a year of lockdown. Go on now, get out there and enjoy trying a new activity this summer. Dust off that bucket list and go be awful at something new! Laugh at yourself for being the worst, knowing that you won’t suck at it forever.

- Take good care - Ashley

P.S. Here is a photo of me trying, and failing, to do a side plank on this very slippery piece of metal.


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