Motion is Lotion

I recently retired from a busy career, and as my daily routine slowed down, new aches and pains showed up! What a drag to switch my attention from celebrating retirement to nursing shoulder pain and sore back muscles. Fortunately, I was able to increase my yoga practice, and significant changes occurred! I now live by the words "motion is lotion," and I notice how much better I feel since incorporating yoga into my new routine. Through regular practice, I've increased my flexibility, energy, and overall mobility.

As we emerge from COVID, reincorporating movement into our daily lives is more important than ever. We've become a sedentary nation, but as time marches on, we must do the same! Quite simply, if we remain inactive, our joints become stiff and painful.

Yoga helps circulate the synovial fluid inside our joints, keeping them well lubricated and moving with ease. In essence, it's the lotion that keeps us in motion! Along with improving muscle strength, stability, and balance, practicing yoga also eases back and painful arthritis, improves sleep, reduces stress, boosts alertness, and promotes self-care. Best of all, yoga is for everyone. Once you are familiar with the poses and stretches learned through yoga, your practice becomes customized to suit your personal needs, and you will see physical movement improvements you never dreamed possible.

Grab your mat and join me in a class! Once you're in motion, you'll be thankful for the lotion!

Lisa S.
Rooted Yoga


Sticking to the Status Quo?


Morning rituals for the win!