Perfection isn’t a thing.

Perfection is not a thing, and it's terrible for your health. Perfection is subjective (by default, making it not a thing); the bar constantly moves, and chasing it is exhausting. It's a never-ending cycle of comparisons that we inevitably never measure up to, leaving us feeling defeated, less than, and extremely hard on ourselves. Or maybe that was just me! What I described was my habit for a long time. My goals were based on other people's or societal standards. 

Admittedly, I'm also a mostly reformed perfectionist. So don't get me wrong, a girl loves a goal! They bring joy to my soul! However, setting intentions based on how I want my life to feel is where my standards are tethered now, and my goals sprout from there. I no longer chase perfection. I chase dreams, adventures, relationships, knowledge, experiences, and the occasional food truck! All of which led to a very imperfect and healthier me. 

 You may only meet some goals or follow through on some intentions this year. But if your goals are rooted in intentions that support how you want to feel this year, you're already winning. 


Shape of the Month: Mountain


Where will your why lead you?