Shape of the Month: Supine Plank

We spend a lot of time hunched over computers, devices, and bowls of soup in an attempt to stay warm! Our shoulders and upper back are all rounded into a dome shape. This persistent shape causes the muscles in the front side of your body to shorten and tighten. The posterior chain or backside of the body becomes weak, which leads to crankiness in the lower back and a physical feeling like your body is stuck.  

Supine Plank will strengthen the core's posterior muscles, incorporating the lower back, obliques, glutes, and hamstrings. On the anterior side, you're strengthening the front of the abs and shoulders while giving yourself a considerable stretch and opening across the front of the body to include the chest, belly, thighs, and (depending on placement) the tops of the feet and ankles.

Click here for our Supine Plank tutorial. You'll learn more about safe alignment and muscle engagement.


Shape of the Month: Twisted Lunge


Shape of the Month: Mountain